15 Photos Show Us How Kittens Grow Up into Handsome Cats

There’s only one thing you can be sure of when you bring home a new kitten: that kitten will grow up to be a cat. Remember how cute and tiny your kitten was when you first brought it home? Those tiny kittens cry and those tiny teeth that can hardly leave their mark grow and mature at a rapid pace. Before long, your sweet little kitten isn’t so small anymore, and you’ve got a fully grown cat on your hands, with teeth capable of breaking flesh and claws capable of damaging things.

As your cat grows, so does the loving relationship you share. Cats become part of the family as you develop wonderful memories and traditions. Often pets grow and change simultaneously with us, creating an unbreakable bond to cherish for a lifetime.

To help remind you how much your cat has grown and changed, here are some adorable before and after photos of your cat growing up.

1. Sweet kittens grow up to be rebellious teenagers

He may have more attitude now, but he still loves the hammock swing just the same.


Image source: imgur.com

2. Tucker and Stewie grew up together


Photo source: lovemeow.com

3. All grown up, still love the same toy

It’s unbelievable how much smaller that little stuffed teddy bear looks now!


Image source: imgur.com

4. 6 months later and this cute rescue kitten still loves to hang out in his camera bag


Image source: imgur.com

5. Two kittens turned into two cats


6. Cats get older, but habits never change

It’s probably a little harder to get work done with a cat on your back instead of a kitten.


Image source: imgur.com

7. Four years later and Toby still loves his same bed… Although it’s a little tighter now


Image source: imgur.com

8. The cat finally grows big enough to fill the guitar case


Image source: imgur.com

9. Work hard or hardly work at all, then and now


Image source: imgur.com

10. Princess Kria loves her luxurious sofa, then and now


Image source: imgur.com

11. Twelve years later, these brothers pose for the same photo

Nothing compares to the pets you grew up with as a child.


Image source: imgur.com

12. Then and now, Sparta still likes to sit in his dish


Image source: reddit.com

13. Then and Now: Still fighting Mr. Croc


Photo source: Dmitry Gudkov

14. Rescued kitten turns into a beautiful, happy cat

Proof of why it’s great to adopt a kitten (or cat) in need!


15. I think these two best friends have outgrown their favorite sleeping bags


Story inspiration: earthporm.com

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