Former NBA Stars Arrested for Disorderly Conduct and Boasting Over LeBron James, Michael Jordan

(Fatherland) – Former NBA star Delonte West continues to have legal trouble, after being arrested by the police for causing a disturbance at a local police station, while constantly claiming that he is better than LeBron James. and Michael Jordan.

Delonte West is known as a talented player, but has always had problems with an unstable mental state over the past years. The former NBA star was stopped by police in Boynton Beach, Florida around 9 p.m. on October 19, when he allegedly began smashing the windows of the local police department.

The video shows Delonte West being caught drunk and unable to control himself

At the same time, a video was revealed showing that Delonte West continuously compared himself to two famous players, LeBron James and Michael Jordan. When he was arrested, next to him were two open boxes of alcohol, one box of beer and one box of unfinished vodka.

“I’m better than LeBron James and Michael Jordan at basketball. I’m the best at any sport. You guys shut up,” an anonymous employee shared the content of the video . In addition, Delonte West also repeatedly used words that incite homosexuals and even claimed to be Jesus Christ or the President of the United States.

Currently, Delonte West has been released on bail just a few days after his arrest. He used to be a talented basketball player and was selected by the Boston Celtics in the 2004 NBA Draft. He was one of the players who regularly appeared in the starting lineup for “Cloverleaf” for 2 seasons. tournament from 2005 to 2007, averaging 12 points per game.

Say xỉn, quậy phá và tự nhận bản thân giỏi hơn LeBron James và Michael Jordan, cựu sao NBA bị bắt giữ khẩn cấp - Ảnh 2.
Delonte West was involved in a love scandal with LeBron James’ mother

Over 8 seasons, Delonte West played for the Boston Celtics, Seattle Supersonics (predecessor of Oklahoma City Thunder), Cleveland Cavaliers and Dallas Mavericks. Delonte West was also a teammate of LeBron James when the superstar played for the “Knights” from 2003 to 2010.

However, Delonte West was also involved in suspicions of being the mistress of LeBron James’ mother in 2010. That scandal was also the reason why LeBron James did not play well in the final stages of his career with the Cleveland Cavaliers, before upon moving to the Miami Heat that summer.

In 2008, Delonte West was confirmed to have bipolar disorder, causing him to start getting into trouble with the police for disruptive behavior, carrying guns in public or even getting involved in addiction. flooded. He also “went to jail and got out” many times, causing his career in the NBA arena to be seriously affected and forced to retire in 2012.

Delonte West appears homeless in September 2020

Last year, some photos showed Delonte West wandering around in rags and homeless at a gas station in Dallas. Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, tried to help Delonte West recover from addiction and return to a normal life. Mark Cuban even helped the former NBA star find a job at the rehab center, contributing to improving the deprived life due to the psychological instability that Delonte West suffered after retirement.

However, bipolar disorder continues to haunt this player and makes him unable to control his behavior. With charges of destroying facilities and affecting the community, Delonte West will receive a subpoena in November.

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