Not long after adopting her two rescue dogs, Serling and Mia, mom Ale Miranda was thrilled to see them blossom into the best of friends.

“They are never apart,” Miranda told The Dodo.

Ale Miranda

Somewhere along the way, however, over their countless hours of play, Serling and Mia invented a new form of shared amusement that’s truly all their own.

Ale Miranda

One day, Miranda was at home with her dogs when she took notice of an uncanny sight. There, in the hallway, she saw Serling and Mia standing as still as statues — seemingly frozen solid.

“It was like time had stopped,” Miranda said. “It’s crazy.”



♬ sonido original – Ale Miranda

Here’s video of what that looks like — ending with the pups suddenly bursting back to life:

The first time she Miranda noticed her dogs doing it, they remained still for just a minute or two before starting a game of chase. But lately, that has gotten longer and longer.

“The last time, it lasted nine minutes,” Miranda said.

Miranda even consulted her dogs’ vet to ask if the behavior was something she should be concerned about.

“They told me, ‘No, it’s just a game,’” Miranda said. “As soon as one of them moves, they start chasing each other.”

Though all that “freezing” and chasing may seem a bit like signs of fear and confrontation, it’s really just in good fun.

In the end, without fail, Serling and Mia are all snuggles.

“They love each other,” Miranda said. “They literally sleep on top of each other.”

Ale Miranda

With a loving home and a best friend in one another to share it with, Serling and Mia clearly have it made.