Contemplating these poignant images, who could boldly claim that animals are not akin to humans?

Many people always think that animals have no voice, meaning they do not know whether they are happy or sad, so they can freely do many evil actions and torture poor animals. They think humans are the owners of this planet and animals are born only to serve human needs. But they don’t know that humans and other animals have the right to be treated equally. Animals also have their own emotions, they know how to cry and feel pain when their mates and children are taken away; They know how to feel hurt and sad when treated poorly.

If you still don’t believe it, watch and feel the stories below:

1. There is no hope to live anymore!


The resignation and calmness of this little monkey when chained and not being properly cared for makes many people heartbroken.

2. I’m back here, please wake up!


The touching story of two swiftlets was recorded by a photographer in France. The female swiftlet flew along the road looking for food, but unexpectedly crashed into a car and was injured. Later, the male bird brought food to comfort his partner. Unfortunately, when the male bird’s nest flew away to look for food and returned, the female bird’s nest was dead. He tried to wake up his mate but could not. When it discovered that the female bird’s nest was truly dead, it raised its face to the sky, cried and stood desperately next to the female bird’s nest, refusing to leave.

3. Is there still joy in this life? I’m so tired!


This horse is almost reduced to skin and bones because of its labor exploitation. Its teary, helpless eyes made many people feel sad.

4. Wake up, wake up, kids!


The story took place in Kunming, China. The mother cat cried tragically when she witnessed her babies being tortured to death right in front of her. The kittens’ small bodies were covered in blood and bullet wounds, and their necks were tied with ropes. In particular, the kitten lying right under the mother cat even had its heart sticking out.

The above cruel and barbaric act is believed to have been committed by someone using a metal toy gun to shoot at the poor kittens and then torturing them to death before placing them next to the mother cat to satisfy them. satisfy your animalistic desires. The mother cat’s eyes were extremely desperate, she could only cry and lick the kittens’ bodies in hopes of saving their lives.

5. Please give me back my child!


The motherly love of animals is as sacred as that of humans. No matter which child passes away before her, the mother animal will still feel sad.

6. I will never leave you alone!


This emotional scene happened in Zhangzhou city in Fujian province, China. After the female dog was hit and killed by a car, the male dog tried everything to wake his partner up. When he couldn’t do that, he insisted on staying and guarding the bitch for 6 hours straight and kept licking his partner’s face. Passersby also said that they saw the male dog’s tears. He kept staring at his friend. When he was too tired, he would lie next to the poor female dog.

7. Why did my mother abandon me and trample me?

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Not long after being born, a baby elephant in China was trampled to death by its mother. Doctors initially thought this was an accident, so they took care of the baby elephant’s wound and brought it back to its mother. But the mother elephant once again trampled on the tiny baby elephant. Zoo staff immediately isolated the baby elephant from its mother. The traumatized baby elephant cried for five hours when he realized his mother was trying to kill him.

8. My children are dead, I don’t want to live anymore!


This dog named Cleopatra in Egypt was so helpless and desperate when she witnessed her children being brutally killed. Fortunately, the cruel people were later punished, and Cleopatra was adopted by a kind family in America, helping her overcome her pain.

9. Who says animals don’t have tears?


Not just humans, this camel surprised everyone because he cried when listening to the Koran.

10. I also know how to be sad, I also know how to cry.


Dogs are loyal animals and are also close pets of many families. Therefore, the bond between dogs and humans is difficult to describe in words.


Just know that when dogs become sad, as a friend next to them, you will also feel sad. The loyal animal’s big, round, watery eyes that are about to cry will certainly make many people’s hearts soften. Saying that animals also have tears, emotions are not fake at all.


11. Mom, please wake up!


Dwarf elephants are animals that are on the road to extinction with less than 2,000 individuals remaining in Southeast Asia. It’s even more heartbreaking to witness the situation of a 3-month-old baby elephant trying to wake up his mother who died from poisoning. It absolutely refused to leave its mother, using its trunk to shake the mother elephant, causing many people to be unable to hold back their tears.

12. Give me back my freedom! I’m not your entertainment!

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Monkeys kept in zoos are not as cheerful and happy as people think. The desire for freedom and release into the natural environment is always hidden deep within every type of animal. Iron cages and chains are not what they want to receive.

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