The adorable cat shares a unique bond with her cherished stuffed pig, bringing it along and carrying it wherever she goes!

Diego is a charming male cat with many appealing traits. However, he is a bit smaller than most cats his age due to some health difficulties he faced when he was younger. Because of this, he can’t always play like other cats. Nevertheless, he has a preference for traveling with his toys.

Although he enjoyed playing with toys, Diego never truly had a favorite until he encountered his stuffed pig. Several years ago, Diego received the stuffed pig as a gift from a family member.

Since receiving the pig, he has become utterly obsessed with it and adamantly refuses to let it out of his sight.

“He keeps it nearby all the time,” shared Crystal Cook, Diego’s mom, with The Dodo. “He takes it wherever he goes. He loves his little piggy.”

Diego has been carrying his favorite stuffed pig with him everywhere he goes. He dedicates all his time to his stuffed pig, going as far as cleaning it, treating it as if it were his very own kitten.

They engage in play together, share meals, and nap side by side. The two are always together and inseparable.

Cook mentioned, “If he can’t find it, he goes around meowing.” Due to the size of the stuffed pig, “sometimes when the door is closed, he gets stuck in a room trying to go through.”

While the family may not comprehend why Diego is so enamored with his plush pig, they wholeheartedly embrace the undeniable bond between him and his stuffed companion. Additionally, it’s simply too adorable!

Are you captivated by Diego’s story? Share it with your friends and family members!

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