A sightless cat was found on the street, captivating onlookers with its irresistible eyes

Upon encountering a photo of Jasmine, a blind chimera cat, on the Association Adoption Feline Facebook page, Sandra Coudray was immediately captivated, stealing the French girl’s heart. The stray kitty, malnourished and initially fearful of people, underwent a transformation with just a bit of love, restoring her belief in humans. Now, this striking calico cat adores kisses and cuddles, forming a strong attachment to her human mom, Coudray.

“I was drawn to adopt her right away, especially knowing that she was blind, as I had previously lived with a cat who had lost her sight due to aging,” Coudray shared with LoveMeow. “During my recent visit to Normandy for a few days to see my family, I left her in the care of my brother. She eagerly awaited my return on my bed every day. Now, she can’t do without us, and we can’t do without her. She brings us an abundance of joy and love.”

Jasmine, the blind stray cat, was discovered wandering the streets of France, confused and frightened.

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