Loving Couple Embraces Blind Kitten and His Devoted Brother!

For over nine years, Jen and Ian fostered adult cats until they were adopted. They feel happy with their work and want to continue it forever. One day, they met a special kitten whose eye had been amputated because of congenital problems. Since birth, his eyes have not been working properly, and they are severely affected. So the doctor had to take them out and close the eye sockets to prevent infection. He is Bop, a blind cat whose story may astonish many of us.

Although he had no eyes, the funny boy made an excellent impression on Jen and Ian when they first met. “I saw this little kitten that just had his eyes removed. And he was wearing a cone, sitting in a cage, trying to eat all the food alone,” Jen said. Heartbroken by the scene, Jen thought the little cat could get more food and get better care at home. So, the couple decided to take him home to take care of him.

Bop has lost his visual abilities, but his senses have been enhanced. He surprised his adoptive parents with how well he adjusted to his new home. He was still a playful boy, like the other cats. Jen and Ian were surprised that Bop barely bumped into anything. They believe it was his excellent hearing that helped him move around the house without hitting any furniture. Bop felt happy to live under the attentive care and special love of his parents.

Soon after, the couple phoned the shelter again to see if Bop was with any siblings. The answer is yes. Bop has an older brother who still stays at the shelter. Later, Jen and Ian agreed to raise him because they wanted Bop to have a playmate. Reuniting with her brother, Bop couldn’t be happier. Two little souls become attached very quickly. Seeing them every day makes the couple’s heart melt; they feel happy. They realize an irreplaceable bond between them and the adorable cats.

Now, Bop and his brother (Boop) are living happily with their adoptive parents. If you would like these little angels to be part of your family, contact Jen and Ian via their email at [email protected]

Hopefully, Bop and Boop will soon find a loving family for them.

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