Proud Rescue Dog Earns Yet Another Merit Badge for His Good Deeds!

It’s 8 a.m. in New York City, and rescue dog Simon is heading to his favorite park for off-leash hours, ready to start another exciting day. He shares a lot in common with the other pups in his Upper West Side neighborhood, but one thing sets him apart: He has a sash full of custom merit badges waiting for him back home.


It’s not that Simon sees himself as better than others — he just has a history of excelling among his peers. For example, in 2021, when he was Sophie Vershbow’s fifth foster through Hearts & Bones Rescue and the only one to land a permanent spot in her home instantly.

“It sounds ridiculous, but I saw one photo of him in the group of dogs coming up on the next transport from Dallas, Texas, and knew he was the one,” Vershbow told The Dodo. “I only had 48 hours to decide if I was going to foster or adopt him, but it was an easy decision. He blended into my life right away.”


Simon didn’t just blend into Vershbow’s life; he added to it by virtue of being himself. The way his oversized ears bounced during zoomies delighted her, and his habit of curling up by her feet while she worked provided a sense of companionship unlike any other.

He was clearly a special boy, but his response to her emotional distress is what ultimately led him to become a badge-wearing society member.

“Simon’s first badge was a teardrop for ‘Outstanding Achievements in Emotional Support,’” Vershbow said. “If I so much as mumble, ‘Crap’ under my breath, he comes running from the other room to comfort me.”


Vershbow crafted a badge using embroidery thread and felt to commemorate Simon’s unwavering response to her emotional needs. She fashioned a Simon-sized sash out of an old pair of jeans that fit perfectly around his torso. Then, she presented the merit badge and sash to Simon, who was immediately pleased with his accomplishment.

“[S]imon looked so proud in the badge-ceremony video that I decided to keep going and do more,” Vershbow said.

You can watch that moment here:

From that moment, Simon started earning new badges for various good deeds. Soon after his emotional support teardrop, the sweet boy received a badge for successfully hosting houseguests, then another for attending his family’s Passover seder.


Some of Simon’s badges relate to where he lives. Ever the efficient New Yorker, Simon’s use of the city’s public transportation has earned him a special “MTA Ridership” badge. He’s also received a badge for good citizenship in his city.

“Simon has been awarded his 10th merit badge for being a good citizen of New York City,” Vershbow wrote on X, previously Twitter. “He eats lox, walks fast and never pees on historically important monuments.”


Other badges, like “Thunderstorm Bravery,” “Respecting The Ocean” and “Migraine Support,” highlight his remarkable character. Simon is just as courageous as he is caring, and his badge collection continues to grow because of it.

“Simon has 17 badges: ‘Emotional Support,’ ‘Hosting Houseguests,’ ‘Attending Passover Seder,’ ‘Migraine Support,’ ‘MTA Ridership,’ ‘Thunderstorm Bravery,’ ‘Respecting The Ocean,’ ‘Extraordinary Ear Design,’ ‘Pup Cup Connoisseurship,’ ‘NYC Good Citizenship,’ ‘Self-love,’ ‘Park Patronage,’ ‘Advocacy [And] Fundraising,’ ‘I Did My Best’ (aka fostering), ‘Excellence In Winter Fashion,’ ‘Patience’ and ‘Horticultural Appreciation,’” Vershbow said.


In terms of favorites, Vershbow is particularly proud of the artistic design behind the thunderstorm bravery, NYC good citizenship, and excellence in winter fashion badges. But she feels most connected to Simon’s migraine support and “I Did My Best” badges.

“Emotionally, my favorite badges are ‘Migraine Support’ for spending countless hours in bed comforting me, and ‘I Did My Best’ for tolerating his foster siblings,” Vershbow said. “He really is doing his best.”


Simon’s badge collection is vast and growing. He’s currently in the process of earning his first partnership badge in support of one of his favorite organizations, and many more personal badges will follow soon.

It’s not easy being one of NYC’s most decorated pups, but Simon wears the responsibility well. And his mom couldn’t be more proud of him.

“Adopting Simon was the best decision I’ve ever made,” Vershbow said. “He is worthy of a thousand merit badges.”

To help pups like Simon get the care they need, you can donate to Hearts & Bones Rescue here.

To keep up with Simon’s adventures, you can follow him on Instagram and his mom, Sophie Vershbow, on X.

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