Unveil the Indoor Starfish Garden Magic: Transform Your Home into a Marine Oasis!

Carrion flowers are another pathological name for the starfish cactus (Stapelıa grandıflora). These beautiful, fetid plants are comparable to carnivorous plants in that they have insect-attracting (but not carnivorous) flora that range in size from a few inches (5 cm) tall to plants that are 12 inches (30 cm) tall. large flowers. Because this plant is native to South Africa, growing starfish flowers typically needs warm, humid conditions or a special greenhouse environment.


The starfish cactus can produce stunning five-petal flowers with a terrible smell. The scent attracts flies and other pollinators to the flowers. The flowers range in color from crimson to brown and can be dusted with other shades.


The family name of the starfish flower cactus is Stapelıa. ‘Gıgantea’, a spectacular specimen with flowers a foot in diameter, is the most regularly harvested. After a few days, Starfısh Cactus buds will develop an unpleasant odor. This smell attracts insects that look for dead organic matter. If you have problems with fruits or other insects, consider bringing your favorite stink plant to the area. Insects are attracted by the smell of carrion and remain motionless on the flowers. Starfish cacti are most often used as attractive specimens, which is quite the talking point. The broad succulent branches have little decorative value on their own, but when the flowers appear in summer, the plant has a strong wow effect. Of course, you’ll have to deal with the smell in this scenario, but if it’s really bad, you can take it outdoors. If you reside in an area other than USDA plant hardiness zones 9 through 11, remember to bring it.











Credit: Pinterest

Source: Garden Lover

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