Woman Spots ‘Pile Of Fur’ Under Trailer — Then Ends Up Saving A Life!

It was a warm spring day in Los Angeles County, California, when resident Hilary Klein noticed something unusual underneath a parked vehicle. As she walked closer, the fluffy mound moved, and she suddenly saw two eyes staring back at her.

The Good Samaritan jumped when she realized the object under the trailer was a dog needing help.

“He looked like he was just a pile of fur under a trailer,” Suzette Hall, founder of Logan’s Legacy 29 dog rescue, wrote on Facebook. “Thank goodness Hilary noticed him and reached out for help.”


Klein sent a photo of the severely matted pup to Hall, who, along with her dedicated team of volunteers, rushed to rescue him. Volunteer Mary Nakiso was the first to arrive at the scene.

Nakiso watched as the dog, later named Jersey, walked back and forth from his two preferred hiding places: the parked trailer and a thicket of small bushes. When Hall arrived shortly after, the duo devised a fool-proof rescue plan.


Hall and Nakiso strategically placed a large humane trap near the trailer, enticing the dog with high-value treats. Jersey showed interest in the trap, but just as he was about to go inside, an onlooking neighbor accidentally scared him away.

The pup ran, and the neighbor unfortunately chased after him. Jersey became even more frightened and went to unprecedented lengths to get away.


“He literally scaled [an] 8-foot wall and ended up in a construction site,” Hall wrote. “I was in shock — he is a small dog, and he scaled 8 [feet].”

Hall, following behind, peered over the wall into the construction site — but Jersey was nowhere to be seen.


The rescue team returned to Jersey’s usual spot and waited overnight for him to show up again. When Hall saw him walk down the street early the next morning, she rushed to set up a second trap near his favorite bushes.

“Sure enough, he went straight to the bushes,” Hall wrote. “And then I heard my favorite sound: the trap door shut. He is a hot mess, but he is safe, and his new adventure is about to begin.”


Hall drove Jersey straight to Camino Pet Hospital, where the sweet boy received a much-needed makeover. The loving veterinary team gently shaved away multiple pounds of matted fur and then gave him a soothing bath.


Jersey soon received a clean bill of health, and his new friends, including an organization called Second Leash On Life, banded together to find him a new home. It wasn’t long before they found the perfect parent for the sweet survivor pup.

“[L]ook who has been adopted, and his new mama is a professional soccer player,” Hall wrote in an update on Facebook. “He is beyond LOVED, he is beyond SPOILED.”


It’s been a few days since his adoption, and Jersey has completely settled into his new home. The rambunctious 2-year-old now has a giant pile of toys to play with and an amazing mom to snuggle with every night.

With each new adventure by his mom’s side, Jersey’s memories of the past fade away. Today, the resilient boy only feels unconditional love and happiness — and he’s feeling better than ever before.

“From rags to riches,” Hall wrote. “Jersey, you made a great goal.”

To help pups like Jersey get the care they need, you can donate to Logan’s Legacy 29 here.

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