Kendall Jenner Stands Alone: The Only Childless Member of the Kardashian Family

The 29-year-old model thought she would have children by the time she was 27, but recently she admitted there is no need to rush because she is still so young and is enjoying the freedom of not having children. Kendall Jenner is currently single after breaking up with Bad Bunny after 1 year of dating.

However, at the recent Met Gala event, the public saw the couple appear together again. The two revealed a happy and close conversation right at the party. That’s why many people think that Kendall Jenner and the 30-year-old singer are really back together after announcing “going their separate ways” at the end of last year.

Đối lập với hoàn cảnh độc thân và không con cái của Kendall, các chị em của cô là Kourtney, Kim, Khloé và Kylie có tới tổng cộng 13 người con, từ trẻ sơ sinh 4 tháng đến 15 tuổi. Nhà Kardashian được coi là đại gia đình đông con, nhiều cháu bậc nhất Hollywood
In contrast to Kendall’s single and childless situation, her sisters Kourtney, Kim, Khloé and Kylie have a total of 13 children, from 4-month-old babies to 15 years old. The Kardashian family is considered the largest family with the largest number of children and grandchildren in Hollywood

In a new photo shoot with Vogue , Kendall explains: “There are days when I see what my sisters have and think it’s really special. But sometimes I just like to be alone, maybe One day I will find my own path.”

Tuy chưa muốn có con nhưng Kendall rất giỏi trong việc trông trẻ nhỏ. Cô được các chị em trong gia đình tin tưởng giao nhiệm vụ chăm con giúp mỗi khi bận rộn
Although she doesn’t want children yet, Kendall is very good at taking care of children. She is trusted by the sisters in her family to take care of their children when they are busy

This is not the first time the most expensive female model in the fashion industry has opened up about getting married and having children. She was once bluntly blamed by her biological mother, Mrs. Kris Jenner, in an episode of the reality TV show The Kardashians . “Don’t waste time hanging around, maybe it’s time to have a baby,” Mrs. Kris told her daughter.

“You keep telling me I won’t get any younger but guess what? This is my life and I’m not ready,” Kendall replied. “Are you sure this is your life? When you were born, I created your body inside my body,” Mrs. Kris reminded her daughter.

Mrs. Kris made the conversation more “explosive” by calling the doctor, who advised that Kendall should consider starting the process of freezing her eggs.

Trước đây, Kendall khẳng định mình muốn có một cuộc hôn nhân truyền thống và có 3 đứa con, mặc dù đến hiện tại nữ người mẫu vẫn chưa sẵn sàng ổn định với bất kỳ ai
Previously, Kendall affirmed that she wanted a traditional marriage and had 3 children, although currently the female model is not ready to settle down with anyone.

Mrs. Kris expressed her wish: “I know we are all different, but personally, I really want to see Kendall have a child and she will be a good mother”.

Kendall responded: “I swear I understand this and I will give you a grandchild when the time is right. I’m just thinking about my life and the freedom I have right now. I like the freedom of choosing and going somewhere whenever I want.”

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