Taylor Swift’s voice echoes beyond music, influencing hearts and votes in the US election.

On June 14, Mr. Donald Trump attended a closed meeting with Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill and the discussion turned to many different topics. In particular, it mentions Taylor Swift, America’s top music star. Taylor Swift has never declared her support for Mr. Biden in this election, however four years ago she publicly supported him and repeatedly expressed regret for not speaking out to urge Americans not to side with him. Trump in the 2016 US presidential election.

According to CNN , at the meeting, Trump asked lawmakers: “Why does she support this idiot? He doesn’t even know how to get off the stage by himself.” Other media also confirmed that Trump made comments about Taylor Swift. This shows the importance of the female singer in the current American political context, as her reputation has been increasing since 2020.

Taylor Swift ảnh hưởng thế nào tới bầu cử Tổng thống Mỹ?- Ảnh 1.
Donald Trump praised Taylor Swift to his side in the upcoming US presidential contest. Photo: CNN.

Taylor Swift’s popularity does not stop at music. Who she will support in this year’s election has become a major concern for both sides of the political spectrum. Before the Super Bowl (the annual championship match of the American National Football League), there were rumors that the match would be arranged to support the Kansas City Chiefs to create an opportunity for Taylor Swift. and her boyfriend Travis Kelce announced their support for Biden. Even though the Chiefs won, Taylor Swift kept quiet.

In an interview with Variety ‘s Ramin Setoodeh, Trump said: “She’s very beautiful! I find her very beautiful. I think she’s a liberal. She probably doesn’t like Trump. I heard she very talent”. These comments are made in Setoodeh’s new book “Apprentice in Wonderland” about making reality TV shows.

With a leading position in the American music industry, Taylor Swift’s influence on American society is not small. In September 2023, more than 35,000 Americans registered to vote after Taylor Swift’s Instagram post urging voters to exercise their civil rights. This shows her strong influence on the public, especially young people.

In February 2024, Fox News television company, considered the “family media channel” of the Republican Party and Donald Trump personally, spread the news that Taylor Swift was used by the US Department of Defense as a “weapon”. psychology” to serve President Joe Biden’s election campaign. The purpose of spreading this news is to deter and prevent the female singer from voicing her support and calling on fans to vote in support of the current President.

Taylor Swift ảnh hưởng thế nào tới bầu cử Tổng thống Mỹ?- Ảnh 2.
For President Joe Biden’s campaign team, one of the potential options is to have the public support of Taylor Swift. Photo: CNN.

When America is not far from the 2024 presidential election, candidates are looking for ways to increase their chances of winning. For President Joe Biden’s campaign team, one of the potential options is to have the public support of Taylor Swift.

Although Mr. Biden once confused Taylor Swift and Britney Spears in November 2023, Democrats still have many reasons to be optimistic. This singer tends to support the Democratic Party and publicly supported Mr. Biden in the 2020 election. If supported by Taylor Swift, the White House owner’s re-election campaign is likely to attract more customers. million USD, according to the New York Times .

Taylor Swift has more than 280 million followers on the social network Instagram, most of whom are young people, with liberal, open and progressive views – completely contrary to the mainstream views of the Republicans and him personally. Trump. Although they may not completely agree with Mr. Biden and the Democratic Party, if they had to choose, they would lean toward Mr. Biden. Once receiving a summons from Taylor Swift, this group of voters will enthusiastically participate in voting for Mr. Biden – an effect that without Taylor Swift’s role, the current President would hardly be able to achieve. Especially in states where the vote margin is very small, Swift’s influence could be the decisive balance.

The 2024 US Presidential election is approaching and every move of the candidates is being closely watched, especially influential people like Taylor Swift.

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