Blind Cats: Radiating Joy and Resilience in an Unseen World

Grace and Max, two charming blind cats, were rescued by Saving Grace Rescue in San Francisco, California. Despite their visual impairment, these felines haven’t allowed their disability to hinder their everyday lives. They now enjoy a loving home and a family that wholeheartedly adores them.

Josh Norem, the owner of The Furrtographer and a photographer with several blind cats in his family, takes great joy in helping these special needs felines find loving homes.

As the adoptive parent of several blind felines, the photographer has dedicated himself to supporting the rescue organization Saving Grace Rescue. He ensures that he values and actively supports the rescue center’s efforts, working to help the cats find loving homes.

Josh mentions that it’s uncommon to encounter any of the cats after they’ve been adopted, so he was thrilled when a couple who had adopted two of them reached out to him.

According to the photographer:

“Imagine my delight and astonishment when a couple who acquired not one, but two blind cats from Saving Grace wrote me about a photoshoot. He’d been following these kitties on Instagram for a while and was thrilled to finally see them together in their new home!

Max, a delightful Russian blue cat, is exceptionally friendly and affectionate. Max’s eyes were damaged when he was a newborn, but thanks to the Saving Grace rescue organization, this beautiful cat underwent eye surgery and now thrives as a loving and healthy feline with a wonderful home.

Grace, the younger sister of Max, is a shy little kitty. Her parents knew she would make a delightful addition to their family from the very first moment they met her. Over time, Grace has blossomed into a pampered feline who also happens to be her brother’s closest companion.

Janell and Justin serve as the adoptive parents for the kittens. They are truly exceptional, and according to Josh, this couple is devoted to providing dedicated care for their two cats.

Josh added, “Not only are they kind and nurturing, but they are true heroes for rescuing these two precious kittens. Gratitude for offering a home to these kitties and for allowing me the opportunity to capture their moments through photography.”

In the embrace of their affectionate family, these beautiful cats lead a tranquil life, frolicking, playing, and occasionally getting up to mischief. Their resolve to relish every moment remains unwavering, undeterred by any challenges.

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