A Rescued Cat Dips Paws into Beach Bliss: A Debut Swim in the Joyful Waters

Nathan, along with her mother and two brothers, was discovered in a box on the side of a busy road when she was just a few weeks old. The RSPCA happily discovered and took in the tiny family, and Nathan was quickly adopted into the best new family.

“We called her Nathan as a joke before we received her,” Nathan’s mother, Melissa Pietrobuono, told The Dodo. “Nathan is a character from the sitcom ‘Angry Boys,’ which my boyfriend and I both enjoy. However, after we took her home, we loved the name and it remained, despite the fact that it isn’t truly a girl’s name. It still makes us chuckle, and we can’t imagine her having an other name.”

Nathan was very infatuated with her parents from the time she arrived in her new home, and she began following them around everywhere they went. Nathan is constantly there next to them, ready to do whatever they’re doing, whether they’re watching TV, attempting to finish supper, or sleeping quietly.

Despite the fact that Nathan is an indoor cat, her parents wanted her to be able to enjoy the wide outdoors, so they trained her to walk with a harness and leash. They live near the ocean, and one day they took her there to practice – they had no clue how much the small cat would like it.

Nathan was a bit concerned at first since she was in a strange area, but she has a great deal of faith in her parents and began following them along the beach cautiously. She gradually realized how much fun she might have at the beach. When she and her family go to the beach, Nathan no longer need a leash. She walks about with her parents, enjoying the beach, sun, and even the sea.

“My companion Rian stepped into the sea the first time; she wanted to stay with him and followed him into the water without issue,” Pietrobuono added. “At first, she merely soaked her legs and body and jumped over a few little waves, but she followed us farther and deeper into the water, and now she swims.”

Nathan enjoys swimming and jumping over waves, but she prefers to stay near her parents, swimming back and forth around them and riding on their backs over the waves. The tiny family now visits to the beach a few times a week, whenever they can, and Nathan joyfully returns to the sea each time, contradicting the most common cat stereotype. Nathan likes other aspects of her beach vacations as well, such as sunbathing and playing in the sand, but her favorite beach pastime will always be swimming.

“She swims, keeps an eye out for dogs, and keeps an eye out for any humans nearby,” Pietrobuono added. “She watches at seagulls but isn’t brave enough to approach them yet.” She also chases the crabs around when they come out. However, she spends the most of her time following us around and getting wet.”

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