Amusing Captures of Pets’ Shenanigans at the Comedy Pet Photography Awards

Nicole Rayner 'Smiley'

Nicole Rayner/Mars Petcare Comedy Pet Photo Awards

Alice van Kempen photographed a canine vacation in “The Shepherd Family Road Trip.”

Alice van Kempen 'The Shepherd Family Road Trip'

Dean Pollard’s dog showed off a squinty smile in “Super Happy Dog.”

Dean Pollard 'Super Happy Dog'

Dean Pollard/Mars Petcare Comedy Pet Photo Awards

There’s nothing cuter than a dog’s excited face.

In “Overdramatic Cat,” Iain Mcconnell’s cat was having a moment.

Iain Mcconnell 'Overdramatic cat'

Iain Mcconnell/Mars Petcare Comedy Pet Photo Awards

The cat appeared to be mid-monologue.

Pet owner Isabelle Merriman used a treat to capture “Guinea Pigs Doing Tricks.”

Isabelle Merriman 'Guinea pigs doing tricks'

Isabelle Merriman/Mars Petcare Comedy Pet Photo Awards

Bribery with snacks usually works for most pets.

Ivan Studenic’s cat looked like it wanted to take a bite out of a green pumpkin in “Vegetarian Cat.”

Ivan Studenic 'Vegetarian Cat'

Ivan Studenic/Mars Petcare Comedy Pet Photo Awards

Or it was yawning at just the right angle.

Karen Hoglund’s pup made a new friend in “Hunting Dog Drop Out.”

Karen Hoglund 'Hunting dog drop out'

Karen Hoglund/Mars Petcare Comedy Pet Photo Awards

The dog looked more interested in socializing than hunting.

Magdalena Strakova’s horses appeared to be having a laugh in “Gossip Girls.”

Magdalena Strakova 'Gossip Girls'

Magdalena Strakova/Mars Petcare Comedy Pet Photo Awards

So much horse drama.

Magdalena Strakova’s pet transformed into a “Snow Monster” in the winter.

Magdalena Strakova 'Snow Monster'

Magdalena Strakova/Mars Petcare Comedy Pet Photo Awards

Maybe it was trying to make a snow angel.

Maria Indurain’s “Intellectual Dog” was photographed studying hard.

Maria Indurain 'Intellectual Dog'

Maria Indurain/Mars Petcare Comedy Pet Photo Awards

It seemed to be a page-turner.

Mehmet Aslan’s horse showed off giant grin in “Smile.”

Mehmet Aslan 'Smile'

Mehmet Aslan/Mars Petcare Comedy Pet Photo Awards

The dog in the bottom left-hand corner appeared unamused.

Nicole Rayner’s dog showed off a toothy grin in “Smiley.”

Mehmet Aslan 'Social distance meal order'

Nicole Rayner/Mars Petcare Comedy Pet Photo Awards

If they can do it, so can we.

Nicole Rayner’s dog showed off a toothy grin in “Smiley.”

Nicole Rayner 'Smiley'

Sally Billam/Mars Petcare Comedy Pet Photo Awards

The more chins, the better.

Sally Billam’s dog appeared to wait for an answer at the door.

Sally Billam 'Ding dong, Can you spare a few minutes of your time'

Sarah Bub/Mars Petcare Comedy Pet Photo Awards

The photo’s point of view appears to be from the other side of a door viewer.

Sarah Bub’s cat decided to put on a makeshift shell in “Cat or Snail?”

Sarah Bub 'Cat or snail'

Svetlana Popova/Mars Petcare Comedy Pet Photo Awards

Or, it was a fashion statement.

Svetlana Popova caught her cats in the act in “What?”

Svetlana Popova 'What?!'jpg

Cats have been known to enjoy unrolling toilet paper.

In “Red Slippers? I Don’t Know Anything About Them,” Teun Veldman’s cat looked startled at being discovered.

Teun Veldman 'Red slippers? I don't know anything about them'
“Red Slippers? I Don’t Know Anything About Them.” 
Teun Veldman/Mars Petcare Comedy Pet Photo Awards

The cat’s wide-eyed expression is priceless.

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