Construction Worker Rescues Endangered Baby Animal Trapped in Pipe! A heartwarming tale of compassion and bravery.

Recently, a construction worker on the job in Australia did a double take when they noticed something black and fuzzy move inside a drainage pipe. Alarmed, the worker took a closer look and saw two tiny black eyes staring back.

tasmanian devil in pipe

It turns out, the wayward visitor was a young Tasmanian devil. The curious animal had crawled inside overnight, likely while looking for food, and now he was stuck.

Someone eventually contacted WIRES Wildlife Rescue. Soon, Ned, a WIRES team member, was on his way.

Since he couldn’t fit his hand inside the pipe, Ned had to improvise. Luckily, the Tasmanian devil knew just what to do.

“Ned lowered a towel down to the feisty juvenile, who obligingly clamped onto it with his sharp teeth and didn’t let go,” a representative from WIRES told The Dodo. “Ned was able to carefully lift him out and contain him when he appeared at the top of the pipe — and his teeth [were] still firmly embedded in the towel!”

tasmanian devil

Since the mother Tasmanian devil couldn’t be found, Ned took the baby to an experienced carer. Rescuers were pleased to find that the Tasmanian devil was no worse for wear after his ordeal. The fluffy black baby spent about three and a half months in care, then he was ready to return to his home outdoors.

“[Rescuers are] delighted this feisty young male was able to be given a second chance at life back in the wild, where he belongs,” the representative said.

To help other animals like this Tasmanian devil, make a donation to WIRES.

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