Cristiano Ronaldo’s peculiar routines keep the fire burning at 39, while his peers contemplate retirement.

Cristiano Ronaldo, Portuguese football legend, is still playing his best every match even at the age of 39, when many other players have begun to retire. The secret behind his success is not only his serious attitude on the field, but also includes his unique habits and scientific diet.

One of Ronaldo’s notable habits is taking 5 naps a day , each nap lasting 90 minutes. According to sleep expert Nick Littlehales, this is not a regular nap or nap, but a method to help the body recover better with less sleep time. With 5 90-minute sleeps, Ronaldo still ensures 7.5 hours of sleep a day, in accordance with the recommendations of the World Sleep Association.


Ronaldo has a solid body even at the age of 39

Besides, Ronaldo is also famous for his strict diet, up to 6 meals a day . He starts his breakfast with ham, cheese and yogurt, snacking on avocado toast when he’s hungry. He usually eats two lunches and two dinners, which mainly include chicken, fish, eggs, salad and other meats. Although this amount of food may seem excessive to the average person, with high intensity of exercise, Ronaldo needs a lot of protein to replenish energy.

Ronaldo’s former personal chef, Giorgio Barone, revealed that his daily menu mainly consists of organic and natural ingredients such as fish, chicken, veal, eggs, avocado, coconut oil and black rice . Ronaldo’s focus is on protein, excluding sugar, fat and carbohydrates.


Another secret of Ronaldo is to use the “cold chamber” to recover after matches . He spent £50,000 to buy and install a cryotherapy room at his home. This cold chamber can help the body experience “massive physiological shock” and enhance recovery. Cryotherapy is becoming popular among footballers, with many top clubs installing cryotherapy chambers at their training grounds.

According to experts, cryotherapy not only helps speed up the recovery process, allowing players to compete at high intensity, but also supports the treatment of injuries caused by training, minimizing muscle weakness. and damage to muscle bundles.

With his unique habits and scientific diet, Cristiano Ronaldo is proving that age is just a number. His seriousness and discipline are an inspiration to many young players, showing the importance of taking care of yourself and constantly striving to reach the top of your career.

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