Get ready for a game-changing shift as The Curry Brand revolutionizes basketball and beyond!

Curry and Under Armour have recently given further proof of their closeness to children’s issues, involving the famous Muppets of Sesame Street in the new collection of Curry Flow 9. The renowned puppets, in addition to giving a new and original color identity to the sneakers used by the Warriors’ sharpshooter, are a tangible symbol of the principles listed above.

“Curry Brand and Sesame Street, we preach the same message. It’s about supporting all kids, especially those in underserved communities who are looking for an opportunity to be their best selves”, this is the statement that accompanied the launch of the seven different colorways dedicated to this collaboration.


Once again, in addition to example, Curry and Under Armour followed through with action, siding with the non-profit organization Sesame Street, which is committed to children’s education.


Change the game for good. In a world of overpaid testimonials, of athletes-influencers, of vacuous stars, Stephen Curry is marking a new path: the path of shared greatness, of the relationship with a brand that doesn’t stop at the photo shoot or advertising, of the active and constant involvement in real issues.

Stephen Curry is changing the game, the real game, for good. And we have to remember this every time we see him release a floater at dizzying heights, shake the ball in vertiginous ball-handling, launch fairy arrows from nine meters after a few steps of basketball dance.

Because excellence must inspire. Not just near the three point line.

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