Gum’s Tale: A Heartwarming Dog Friendship Story

Those who have not had a pet, or have never lost one, will never understand the pain that is felt. Don’t get angry with them and think that there are many people like you. The death or disappearance of your pet is a hard blow for anyone, so don’t worry, it is logical that you feel devastated after having spent a lifetime by your side.

Thus begins the story of Alejandro and Sol, a couple made up of an old man and his best furry friend, originally from Mexico, very loved and appreciated by everyone on the streets of the capital. Alejandro sells gum informally to earn his living every day. . He lovingly offers his treats to passers-by to earn bread for himself and his dog. Unfortunately, one day Alejandro encountered the terrible reality that his faithful friend Sol was vilely stolen. He didn’t know what to do and he looked extremely desperate.


The little animal used to accompany him, always lying next to him on a small blanket throughout the work day. Upon learning of the situation of the autumn candy seller, neighbors in the area decided to help him. The truth is that Alejandro was very in need of attention, due to his limited resources. “Regularly, every morning I looked at Mr. Alejandro with Solcito, his dog. As much as possible, my colleagues and I tried to help him,” said Alejandra Silva, a resident of the area.


The group of people who live in the surroundings that Alejandro frequents reported that the dog was taken from him on February 17 of this same year. Since then, although they have done everything humanly possible, they have not been able to find the animal. Meanwhile, its owner is devastated.

For his part, Silva, who works at a gas station located in the center of Mexico City, right near where Alejandro is usually seen, stated that the details of the incident are still unknown.


It is not clear how the events occurred, or who took the animal. However, according to the first investigations, everything seems to indicate that a woman was the author of the theft. “Last week, on February 17, her dog was stolen on Fray Servando Avenue. The man doesn’t explain very well and the little we know is that a lady stole it. They took him from Fray Servando Avenue and Topacio Street, by a gas station,” Silva added.


For this reason, the support group that came together to collaborate with Don Alejandro in the search for his beloved canine. They went to the gas station to try to get some footage from the security cameras, but there has not yet been a satisfactory response on the matter.


However, the news has been spread through social networks, where the loving relationship between Sol and his human father had already gone viral in 2019, gaining thousands of followers.


Several flyers were also posted, in the hope that someone would recognize the missing little boy and report his whereabouts, just as Alejandro’s business was promoted, to help improve this sweet grandpa’s income. We all appeal with the dissemination that whoever has it, return it to its human father.


Share this story with your best friends and loved ones. We are waiting for Sol to appear safe and sound, and to be able to wipe away again the tears of sadness that Alejandro still sheds.

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