“Hollywood’s Shocking A-List Star Feuds: Factions, Tricks, and Power Plays – Taylor Swift Takes Center Stage as the Most ‘Cried’.”

The relationship between Hollywood stars is always a topic that consumes a lot of ink in the press. Besides the friendships that the public admires, many artist couples see each other as enemies. Many fights between them have caused a stir on social networks.

Cardi B – Nicki Minaj: Fighting without reservation during the event

4 vụ sao hạng A Hollywood đấu đá chấn động thế giới: Bè phái, chiêu trò, vũ lực đủ cả, Taylor Swift bị réo nhiều nhất - Ảnh 1.

Cardi B and Nicki Minaj have been entangled in discord rumors since 2017, but things gradually subsided because there was no specific evidence that they hated each other. It wasn’t until 2018, when two stars fought in the middle of a big event, that fans believed they were “sworn enemies”.

Specifically, Cardi B suddenly rushed into a fight with Nicki at the Harper’s Bazaar ICONS fashion event in September 2018 despite all efforts from accompanying bodyguards to prevent it. Cardi even took off her shoes to throw them at Nicki. The battle between the two stars created an extremely noisy atmosphere.

According to a witness present at the scene, the incident happened when Nicki sat at the banquet table with her crew. At that time, Cardi walked towards Nicki’s table with an aggressive look. Female rapper “Bodak Yellow” wants to clarify some rumors related to her that Nicki is spreading. But one of Nicki’s bodyguards elbowed Cardi in the face when she approached, causing a fight to break out.

Immediately after the fight, Cardi shared on Instagram a post “stoning” her enemy. In the post, she also mentioned her daughter. This move seems like Nicki said something about Cardi’s daughter: “When you mention my child, you comment on my ability to be a mother, I can’t help it! I’ve been working! Work hard and go a long way to success! People like you only dare to talk loudly when rapping, but in real life they are cowards.”

4 vụ sao hạng A Hollywood đấu đá chấn động thế giới: Bè phái, chiêu trò, vũ lực đủ cả, Taylor Swift bị réo nhiều nhất - Ảnh 4.

However, on the Queen Radio Monday radio show a few days later, Nicki denied that she had said negative things about Cardi’s daughter. Also on this show, Nicki continued to “add fuel to the fire” when she boldly threatened that if Cardi continued to play such violent tricks with others, she might lose her life: “If you touch If you touch the wrong person, you will surely die. Absolutely. And are you all sitting here taking it as a joke? I’m not like those girls in strip clubs or like on reality TV shows. Money I have a lot of influence.”

Cardi was quick to answer her enemies. She affirmed that she is willing to use violence to solve it if she encounters a similar situation in the future. Although Nicki denied saying bad things about Cardi’s children, female rapper “Bodak Yellow” confirmed that her colleague lied. Immediately, Nicki took action to tease her enemy. She believes that Cardi B lost big in the fight, because Nicki’s career progressed better and better after the incident while Cardi received a lump on her forehead.

4 vụ sao hạng A Hollywood đấu đá chấn động thế giới: Bè phái, chiêu trò, vũ lực đủ cả, Taylor Swift bị réo nhiều nhất - Ảnh 5.

Nicki mocked Cardi’s forehead injury after the fight

Taylor Swift – Kanye West: The movie-like war of deception, harm, and secret extraction lasted for 4 years

4 vụ sao hạng A Hollywood đấu đá chấn động thế giới: Bè phái, chiêu trò, vũ lực đủ cả, Taylor Swift bị réo nhiều nhất - Ảnh 6.

At the 2009 VMAs, Kanye West had a public confrontation with Taylor Swift after the female singer was named the winner in the “Best Female Artist Video” category. At the exact moment Taylor gave her award speech, Kanye jumped up from the guests’ seats, grabbed the microphone and shouted that Beyoncé was the one who deserved the award. This incident is said to be the source of the two stars becoming “sworn enemies”.

At the VMAs a year later, Taylor took revenge on Kanye right on stage. At this event, the female singer performed the song “Innocent”. The song’s lyrics include the line “I’m still an innocent child. 32 years old and still growing up”. Many people believe that Taylor is implicitly criticizing Kanye through the lyrics in the song “Innocent”.

4 vụ sao hạng A Hollywood đấu đá chấn động thế giới: Bè phái, chiêu trò, vũ lực đủ cả, Taylor Swift bị réo nhiều nhất - Ảnh 8.

In 2016, the two stars entered a new battle that was even more fierce than before. Kanye released the song “Famous” which caused a stir in public opinion. Notably, the lyrics of the song include the line: “I feel like me and Taylor can still sleep together. Why? Because I made ‘that bitch’ famous”. Kanye also placed a mannequin identical to Taylor in a 100% nude state in the MV. Immediately, Taylor affirmed that she had never approved the lyrics of the song “Famous”.

However, Kim – Kanye asserted that Taylor knew in advance. Kanye went on social media to explain that he asked Taylor’s opinion on this song: “I called Taylor and we had an hour long conversation about the lyrics of the song. She thought the song was very funny and gave her a good feeling.” Kim even released video evidence showing that Kanye actually called Taylor to ask permission about the lyrics of “Famous”. In response, the singer born in 1989 said that in the above video, Kanye did not say anything about the rap line: “I made that bitch famous” . At this time, the whole world thinks that Taylor is a “poisonous snake”, two-faced and everyone is on Kim – Kanye’s side.

4 vụ sao hạng A Hollywood đấu đá chấn động thế giới: Bè phái, chiêu trò, vũ lực đủ cả, Taylor Swift bị réo nhiều nhất - Ảnh 9.

A year later, Taylor released the MV “Look What You Made Me Do”. The public quickly discovered that many scenes in the MV were related to past controversies between the singer born in 1989 and Kim and Kanye. Netizens think that Taylor borrowed this MV to tease her enemies.

4 vụ sao hạng A Hollywood đấu đá chấn động thế giới: Bè phái, chiêu trò, vũ lực đủ cả, Taylor Swift bị réo nhiều nhất - Ảnh 10.

Many people speculate that Taylor used the scene of herself lying in a bathtub full of diamonds to refer to the incident where Kim was robbed in Paris in 2016.

4 vụ sao hạng A Hollywood đấu đá chấn động thế giới: Bè phái, chiêu trò, vũ lực đủ cả, Taylor Swift bị réo nhiều nhất - Ảnh 11.

In the scene next to the plane, a version of Taylor holds the phone and says: “I’m recording evidence, have to edit it later”. Many people speculate that Taylor is hinting that the Kim and Kanye couple edited the video of their controversial conversation in 2016.

Recently, the full video recording the conversation between Taylor and Kanye in 2016 was leaked. Accordingly, Taylor expressed discomfort when Kanye mentioned lyrics about him. Furthermore, the “Look What You Made Me Do” singer also talked about not having made any decisions after Kanye proposed. Thus, Kim and Kanye couple distorted Taylor’s statement and put her at a disadvantage in the 2016 battle. Finally, after 4 years, Taylor Swift was exonerated.

Taylor Swift – Justin Bieber: Originated from a common relationship with Selena Gomez?

4 vụ sao hạng A Hollywood đấu đá chấn động thế giới: Bè phái, chiêu trò, vũ lực đủ cả, Taylor Swift bị réo nhiều nhất - Ảnh 13.

Once quite close friends, Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber are said to have turned against each other in 2013. This is related to the troubled relationship between the male singer and Selena Gomez. According to Us Weekly, Taylor is not happy about Selena – Justin’s relationship. The source even added that the “Look What You Made Me Do” singer is ready to break up if her best friend continues to hang out with Justin.

At the time Taylor and Kim and Kanye had a fight over the lyrics of the song “Famous”, Justin made a move to “add fuel to the fire”. On Instagram, Justin posted a photo of him chatting via facetime with Scooter Braun, Martin Garrix and Kanye. In the photo caption, Justin also openly mocked Taylor by asking: “Taylor Swift, how are you?”.

4 vụ sao hạng A Hollywood đấu đá chấn động thế giới: Bè phái, chiêu trò, vũ lực đủ cả, Taylor Swift bị réo nhiều nhất - Ảnh 15.

In July 2019, when the great war related to music copyright between Taylor and Scooter Braun was extremely tense, the female singer born in 1989 recalled the photo of her being collectively bullied in the past through a letter. The letter read: “I just heard the ridiculous news: Scooter Braun is the owner of my music. All I can think about is the constant bullying and manipulation.” that I have received over the years.

Like when Kim Kardashian staged an illegal recording of a phone call and then Scooter and two of his clients (Justin Bieber and Kanye West) got together to bully me on social media . Or when his client, Kanye West, prepared a revenge porn music video, I was naked in it. Now Scooter is taking away the works that originally belonged to me. Basically, my musical legacy is going to be in the hands of someone who tried to get rid of it.

4 vụ sao hạng A Hollywood đấu đá chấn động thế giới: Bè phái, chiêu trò, vũ lực đủ cả, Taylor Swift bị réo nhiều nhất - Ảnh 16.

Taylor Swift’s share

Scooter Braun is Justin’s manager. That’s why he refused to “sit back and watch”. The male singer quickly responded to Taylor: “Hey Taylor! First, I want to apologize for sharing such a hurtful post to you. At that time I just thought it was funny, but now I look back. I feel so bad. However, I’ll be honest and admit that both the caption and the photo were my own ideas. He (Scooter Braun) didn’t follow through, even saying that I shouldn’t do that.. .

It’s unfair for her to take everything to social networks and make the whole world hate Scooter. That’s like she and her fans are intentionally bullying Scooter. Braun and I both love you, but our conflicting comments are also because we want your best. I rarely protest publicly like I do now, but if you keep trying to embarrass the person I love, I’ll have to get involved.”

4 vụ sao hạng A Hollywood đấu đá chấn động thế giới: Bè phái, chiêu trò, vũ lực đủ cả, Taylor Swift bị réo nhiều nhất - Ảnh 17.

Taylor’s fans think Justin made up the story. According to fans of the singer “Look What You Made Me Do”, when facetime, if Justin is the one taking the screenshot, his face will be in the small corner of the image above. However, in the photo posted by Justin, everything is completely opposite. That proves that Scooter was the one taking the photo, not Justin.

In this war, a series of Hollywood stars such as Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Selena Gomez, Britney Spears, Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, Miley Cyrus, Jennifer Lopez,… all sided with Taylor, not hesitating to press the unfollow button on Scooter Braun on social network. Meanwhile, the number of artists supporting Justin is much more modest.

Taylor Swift – Katy Perry

4 vụ sao hạng A Hollywood đấu đá chấn động thế giới: Bè phái, chiêu trò, vũ lực đủ cả, Taylor Swift bị réo nhiều nhất - Ảnh 18.

The relationship between Taylor Swift and Katy Perry became tense after three of Taylor’s dancers quit their jobs to work for Katy in 2013. And Katy was the one who proactively contacted these three dancers. After the incident, Taylor declared that she would never talk about Katy in an interview again: “I will not let the press write anything about this case anymore. I will never talk about her in my interview. I” .

4 vụ sao hạng A Hollywood đấu đá chấn động thế giới: Bè phái, chiêu trò, vũ lực đủ cả, Taylor Swift bị réo nhiều nhất - Ảnh 19.

The conflict between the two stars broke out after some of Taylor’s close dancers suddenly moved to collaborate with Katy

The battle between Taylor and Katy became public after the female singer born in 1989 released the song “Bad Blood”. In the lyrics of the song “Bad Blood” there are lines that express the bitter feelings of being betrayed by a friend such as “Do you have to do this?”, “I thought you were a capable person. can be trusted”… Many people think that Taylor wrote this song to criticize Katy.

Not stopping there, Taylor is also said to have criticized Katy in terms of career achievements. Specifically, the female singer born in 1989 placed the Grammy award image right next to the lyrics of the song “Bad Blood” in the CD version of the album “1989”. Netizens think that Taylor wants to mock her seniors because everyone knows Katy has not won any Grammy awards yet.

4 vụ sao hạng A Hollywood đấu đá chấn động thế giới: Bè phái, chiêu trò, vũ lực đủ cả, Taylor Swift bị réo nhiều nhất - Ảnh 20.

It seemed that Katy realized that Taylor was teasing her, so the female singer born in 1984 immediately responded on Twitter: “Be careful with Regina George in sheep’s clothing” . It is known that Regina George is the mean villain in “Mean Girls”. Maybe Katy wanted to mention Taylor in this hidden message. In 2017, Katy continued to respond to her juniors with a song called “Swish Swish”. There are many lyrics in this song that imply that Taylor is a fake person in sheep’s clothing: “A tiger doesn’t need to lose sleep, doesn’t need the opinion of a selfish person or a sheep. Don’t attack. “Your game makes everyone tired, you should go back to the garden, you’re as cute as an expired coupon.”

On “The Late Late Show Carpool Karaoke” in 2017, Katy frankly shared that she wanted to make up with Taylor but was rejected by her junior. Katy also sent a message to her juniors: “Retribution! What I want to say is, I’m ready to wait and see what retribution happens. The law of cause and effect always exists. Whatever you do, there will be retribution. And Believe me, there will be retribution.” It seemed like the two stars wouldn’t be able to end the fight, but last year they decided to become friends again after many years of fighting.

4 vụ sao hạng A Hollywood đấu đá chấn động thế giới: Bè phái, chiêu trò, vũ lực đủ cả, Taylor Swift bị réo nhiều nhất - Ảnh 21.

Pictures posted by Katy on her personal Instagram page show that the two stars have made up with each other

Madonna – Lady Gaga: Publicly humiliated due to suspicion of plagiarism

4 vụ sao hạng A Hollywood đấu đá chấn động thế giới: Bè phái, chiêu trò, vũ lực đủ cả, Taylor Swift bị réo nhiều nhất - Ảnh 22.

The conflict between Madonna and Lady Gaga broke out after the veteran singer born in 1958 made many moves to accuse her junior of plagiarism. Remember, the copying suspicion arose after the song “Born This Way” by the singer born in 1989 was said to have many similarities with the song “Express Yourself”, a hit released in 1989 by Madonna.

During rehearsals for the MDNA tour in 2012, Madonna mixed the song “Born This Way” with “Express Yourself”. Many people believe that the Queen of Pop is implying that her juniors plagiarized music. Not stopping there, Madonna is also said to have criticized Lady Gaga through the lyrics of the song “Two Steps Behind Me”: “You are a copycat. You are beautiful. I admit it. But you steal. my skills. This action is so ugly” .

4 vụ sao hạng A Hollywood đấu đá chấn động thế giới: Bè phái, chiêu trò, vũ lực đủ cả, Taylor Swift bị réo nhiều nhất - Ảnh 23.

The two artists fought each other for a long time

In response, Lady Gaga openly criticized her seniors for not knowing how to care and help young artists in an interview with People. After listing David Bowie, Queen, Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson as the artists who have had the greatest influence on her music, Lady Gaga added: “I would like to include Madonna but let me tell you more. You know about this. If I were a respected artist, I would enthusiastically help my juniors.”

Besides, Lady Gaga is said to have responded to her senior with an extremely provocative action at the concert taking place in August 2012 in Finland. In the middle of a performance, Lady Gaga suddenly lifted her skirt to show off her butt in front of thousands of spectators. She also shouted: “I don’t care what other people say. I don’t care at all” . Many people believe that this phrase is related to the lyrics of Madonna’s song “I Don’t Give A”. That’s why it’s very possible that the singer born in 1986 mocked her senior’s similar action of showing off her butt in a performance not long ago.

Lady Gaga is said to have mocked Madonna’s act of showing off her butt

After many years of fighting, two famous music stars decided to end their hatred in early 2019.

4 vụ sao hạng A Hollywood đấu đá chấn động thế giới: Bè phái, chiêu trò, vũ lực đủ cả, Taylor Swift bị réo nhiều nhất - Ảnh 25.

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