Hollywood’s ‘Uprising’: Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift in a Battle, Slave Contract Allegations, Years of Continuous Manipulation

All the controversy started on June 30 when information that “tycoon” Scooter Braun had bought the record label Big Machine Record for $300 million was announced in all newspapers. It is known that this is where Taylor Swift signed an exclusive contract for 13 years before “coming together” with Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj,… at Republic Records .

Meaning, the above contract will allow the managers of Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato,… to fully own all of the “king snake”‘s musical works while under the old company, including 6 the first album of her career.

"Hollywood Scooter Braun was said by Taylor Swfit to have “bullied” her along with Kanye West, Justin Biber,… in a scandal in 2016.

It is known that Scooter Braun sided with Kanye West in the voice message scandal in 2016, turning Taylor Swift into a “king snake” in the eyes of the public at that time. That’s why the owner of the hit Blank Space would never let the person who “bullied her in her worst moment own all the works I’ve ever written”.

Immediately, the 30-year-old female singer had harsh reactions, affirming that this man was trying to take away her musical achievements as well as “revealing” part of the “slave” contract with her. Old record labels are as follows:

“For years, I have asked and begged for a chance to own my works. Instead, I was only given the opportunity to re-sign with Big Machine Records with the provision that when a new album was earned, an old album would return.

I left because I knew that when I renewed that contract, Scott Borchetta would sell the company, thereby selling me and my future. I had to make the painful choice to leave the past behind. The music I wrote on my bedroom floor and the videos I dreamed of, had to be paid for from the money I earned performing in bars, clubs, then venues, stadiums.

It’s funny about today’s news: I found out about Scooter Braun’s ownership of my music when the news was announced to the world. All I could think about was the relentless bullying and manipulation I had received over the years.

Like when Kim Kardashian staged an illegal recording of a phone call and then Scooter and two of his clients (Justin Bieber and Kanye West) got together to bully me on social media. Or when his client, Kanye West, prepared a revenge music video, I was naked in it.

Now Scooter is taking away my life’s work, which I didn’t have the chance to buy back. Essentially, my musical legacy is about to end up in the hands of someone who tried to undo it.

"Hollywood Taylor Swift and Kayne West were still passionate.

This is my worst case scenario. That’s what happens when you sign an agreement at fifteen for someone for whom the term loyalty is clearly just a contractual concept. And when that man said ‘Music has value’, he meant that its value was attributed to men – men who had no part in creating it.

When I left my products in Mr. Scott’s hands, I knew for a fact that he would eventually resell them. Never in my nightmares did I imagine that the buyer would be Scooter. Whenever Scott Borchetta hears the words ‘Scooter Braun’ come out of my mouth, I’m either crying or trying not to cry.

He knew what was done; both of them did. Controlling a woman who already wants no association with them. In eternity. That means forever.

"Hollywood Taylor Swfit used the same photo of Justin Bieber, Kanye West, Scooter Braun,… “bullying” her to protest that unreasonable contract.

Thankfully, I’m now signed to a label that believes I should own whatever I create. Thankfully, I left my past in Scott’s hands, but not my future. And hopefully, young artists or young people with musical dreams will read this and learn about how to better protect themselves in a negotiation. You deserve to own the art you created.

I will always be proud of my past achievements. But for a better option, Lover is out on August 23.

Sad and sorry,


(Translated by Taylor Swift FC)

A few hours later, handsome singer Justin Bieber spoke up to defend his manager and publicly criticized Taylor on social networks as follows:

“Dear Taylor,

First of all, I want to apologize for posting that hurtful photo on Instagram. At the time I thought it was funny, but looking back now it was annoying and insensitive.

Even though it’s a screenshot of me, Scooter and Kanye with the caption ‘What’s up Taylor Swift’, he (Scooter) has nothing to do with this. It wasn’t even something we talked about, he told me not to joke like that.

Scooter has supported you since the day you let me open up to you. Over the years, we have never met each other and had the opportunity to express our differences, feelings or disappointments. So for her to take it to social media and make people hate Scooter is really unfair.

What are you trying to achieve by posting that blog? To me, it seems like she was trying to get sympathy, because she also knew that by posting that post her fans would “terrorize” Scooter.

One thing I know for sure, though, is that both Scooter and I love you. I feel the only thing that can resolve this discord is through conversation. Jokes on social networks won’t solve anything. I’m sure Scooter and I would like to talk to you and resolve any conflicts, concerns, or feelings.

Neither Scooter nor I have anything negative to say about her, we truly hope the best for her. I usually rarely refute something like this, but when you try to discredit someone I love, that really crosses the line.”

(Translated from Team Usuk page)

"Hollywood Scooter Braun is someone who has “followed” Justin Bieber since the first days of his career.

The matter will not end here, many other stars such as Halsey, Iggy Azalea, Hailey Bieber, Miley Cyrus,… are joining in to choose a “side” for themselves. Up to now, Taylor Swift seems to be “dominating” over her opponent when the hashtag #WeStandWithTaylor (We stand with Taylor Swift) is among the top global trends. And you, are you #TeamJustinBieber or #TeamTaylorSwift?


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