How did Charli XCX react when the audience said something bad about Taylor Swift during the show?

Recently, Charli XCX’s sharing during a performance in Brazil is receiving great attention from the online community. Accordingly, during her concert, Charli

Taylor Swift and Charli XCX

Immediately, the singer Boom Clap spoke up to express his dissatisfaction with the words of this group of viewers: “Can those who say this sentence please stop? Whether it’s online or not. said at my show. It’s the exact opposite of what I want. It annoys me when someone thinks they can do this. I won’t tolerate it .

Charli XCX’s share, after being spread on social networks, received many compliments for her straightforwardness in defending her colleagues against unflattering statements from the audience. On the other hand, many opinions were annoyed by this audience group’s excessive statements about Taylor Swift.


Along with her popularity, Taylor Swift has also suffered many times from extremely harsh words from anti-fans. Worth mentioning, bad statements about singer Fortnight appeared in other artists’ shows, making many people angry.

Typically, a few days ago, a moment in the concert of female singer Olivia Rodrigo received great attention from the online community. Specifically, while the female singer was performing on stage, below, an audience member shouted out a statement with insulting content to Taylor Swift .


Many people were not sure whether Olivia Rodrigo heard it or not, but the singer did not react and continued her performance. There is an opinion that because Olivia was immersed in the performance, she did not know what happened below.

This audience’s actions received a lot of criticism from the online community. Aggression between fandoms is no longer strange, but this extreme level really makes many people feel very uncomfortable.


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