James Harden and the most hated basketball stars

Leaving a team he has been with for a long time or being too fiery is one of the few reasons why James Harden and many basketball stars are hated by fans.

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The hatred that many fans have for James Harden comes from his playing style full of tricks and calculations. The Houston Rockets superstar was once considered to have the best offensive ability of anyone. “You can discuss whether James Harden is the best offensive player in history or not. There are many ways to evaluate, but he definitely deserves it and is at a level no one can compare to. in history”, ESPN quoted Rockets CEO Daryl Morey.
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Normally, if a player cannot be stopped from attacking too well, many people choose to commit a foul or fight violently to solve the problem. However, this method has almost no effect on Harden. The 30-year-old superstar is a master of finding fault with the defender. Statistics from NBA.com show that Harden is the player with the most free throws per season for nearly 10 years. It is his cunning playing style that makes Harden the most hated basketball player in history.
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From a beloved player, Kevin Durant became a thorn in the eyes of many fans, media and his once very close teammate Russell Westbrook. Leaving the Oklahoma City Thunder to move to the team that was dominating the NBA at that time, the Golden State Warriors, caused Durant to receive a lot of criticism. Many experts have analyzed that a top player like Durant joining the Warriors seriously unbalanced the tournament. Durant won 2 championships and received 2 Finals MVP titles (best player in the final series) in 3 years at the Warriors.
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Durant still has to receive loud “boos” from fans when he returns to play at the Chesapeake Energy Arena to face his old team Thunder – where he has been for 8 years. Not stopping there, being discovered using virtual accounts on social networks to argue with fans made Durant even more hated. Fans even discovered that Durant used his personal account to “like” a negative article about his former teammate Westbrook.
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There was a time when LeBron James was the absolute choice for the title of most hated player in the NBA. Rumors about power in football teams also make LeBron more hated. LeBron is said to dominate the coach and influence the construction decisions of the teams he has played. This caused some fans to sarcastically nickname LeBron with the nicknames “LeGM” and “LeCoach”.
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Before Durant, LeBron was also criticized a lot for joining the Miami Heat. LeBron along with Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh led the Heat to become the leading force in the NBA, winning 2 championships in 4 years. This is said to be the origin why LeBron has a large number of anti-fans. In addition, being praised so much by the media over the past 17 years has made LeBron always one of the most hated basketball players in the world.
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Stephen Curry has a large fan base around the world thanks to his playing style that favors 3-point shots. Curry is even considered the person who changed the trend of basketball since winning his first championship with the Warriors in 2015. This is also negative for the basketball movement in many parts of the world when there are many people. Players abuse 3-point shots indiscriminately. People began to point the finger at Curry as the main cause.
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However, Curry also made a big impact on the Warriors’ gameplay in many aspects, besides 3-point shots. Most fans still only pay attention to Curry’s 3-point shooting ability, but forget Curry’s other qualities. Curry’s elaborate, sometimes excessive, celebration style towards his opponents is also what many fans dislike about Curry.
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Although not a top star in the NBA, Draymond Green still plays a very important role in the Warriors. The 30-year-old player is considered an important link that helps the Warriors’ tactical system operate smoothly. However, Green’s playing style full of tricks and overly confident statements earned him a large number of anti-fans. From center striker Steven Adams’s leg kick in the groin, the brawls with other team players to the terrible insults against Durant, fans have never had a sympathetic view of Green.
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The scandal between Green and Durant has consumed a lot of “paper and ink” in the press for a long time. Although Durant is the most hated player in the NBA, he also has a large fan base around the world. After the incident with Durant, the number of fans who hated Green became more and more numerous.
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Russell Westbrook is the next player to have a large number of anti-fans because of his playing style. The 31-year-old star has an aggressive playing style and top attacking ability. However, fans still criticize Westbrook for his supposedly selfish playing style, despite achieving triple-double statistics (3 scores of 10 or more) in the last 3 seasons. Fans believe that Westbrook ignores other values of basketball just because he always aims for a triple-double when competing. Many statistics show that Westbrook is one of the superstars with the least effective scoring performance in the league.
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In addition, Westbrook is a hot-tempered player who is ready to get into arguments or fights with opposing players and even spectators when provoked. “He never stops throwing the ball, even when his teammates are having a blast. That’s happened many times. A hateful stat grinder. That’s what I think”, Sasha Pavlovic’s account on social networks commented.

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