Kittens with unique fur found on the sidewalk were brought in by a family of cats

Janie is an adorable kitten found abandoned on a road in Ontario, Canada. In addition to being very cute, she also stands out for having very special fur, and people were impressed with her unique color, which made her look like a baby panda.

When Janie was found, she weighed only 82 grams, but she was able to survive thanks to her will. She was immediately taken to Tiny but Mighty Kitten Rescue, a local rescue center whose mission is to help all homeless kittens.

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Melissa, the founder of the rescue center, took in the little kitten to provide her with the care she needed and help her cope with her problems.

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Melissa told Bored Panda:

“Janie was found alone on the sidewalk. The people who found her told me she was screaming for her life. She was completely exposed to the sun, resulting in quite severe burns on her hind legs. She was about 24 hours old when I rescued her.”

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The woman had a special plan for Janie, leaving her for two weeks in an incubator and bottle-feeding her until she was medically healthy.

After some testing, it was discovered that their fur color is called “Fever Fur”, this happens when the mother has an infection or stress during pregnancy and usually has no negative effects on her health. overall health of the kitten.

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So there’s nothing to worry about, because it’s not dangerous for Janie. Although it is likely to lose this unusual color as it grows older. Now, the real thing was finding a foster mother for Janie, and luckily, the rescue center had the perfect volunteer.

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A few days before Janie arrived, Melissa fostered a pregnant cat and gave birth a few weeks later. So the woman thought the perfect plan was to introduce Janie to the mother cat, but when it was considered convenient.

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After three days of 24-hour care, she gained 100 grams in weight, showing great progress. Over the next few days, Janie continued to grow and fatten, and her silver patches began to darken, creating a distinctive color.

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Melissa told Love Meow:

“She kept moaning and rolling around rubbing her belly.”

Every time the kitten meows, she gets the attention of mother June, who looks out the window as Melissa feeds the baby.

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Melissa commented:

“She wanted that baby so much and even more so because she was crying in the incubator.”

At two weeks old, she was ready to meet her new foster mother; what everyone is waiting for.

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As soon as June’s mother heard her screams, she immediately ran over and began to wipe the baby from head to toe.

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Melissa said:

“June accepted Janie as her own as soon as I was able to introduce them. June had to lick and clean her for 10 minutes, and then snuggle up with everyone while June was breastfeeding the baby. It was a very sweet moment.”

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Janie doesn’t eat her mother, because all she knows is bottle feeding, but she loves to cuddle with her mother and siblings. Although she gets along with all her siblings; one is especially fond of his younger sister, Jasmine, who is the most independent of the litter.

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She is so curious about Janie, that while the other kittens are hanging around, she always wants to be by her sister’s side. When the kitten opened her eyes, she began to walk, eager to join in the commotion with her foster siblings and be able to explore the whole place.

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Janie is about two weeks younger than her siblings, but what she lacks in size, she makes up for with her beautiful attitude and beautiful coat.

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She begins to explore her house, learns to use the litter box on her own, and tries to do things like the other kittens.

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Janie is learning to eat by watching her mother June, who is now eight weeks old and thriving in foster care.

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Melissa said:

“He’s getting to the age where he can keep up with the other kittens. When he couldn’t find me or his siblings, he just cried.”

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After a rough start in life, this beautiful furball is growing by leaps and bounds and is sure to get the life she deserves.

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