Loud Cries Coming From Ceiling Lead to the Rescue of the Teeniest Baby!

“Oh my God, you’re tiny!”

When Arizona Humane Society (AHS) received a call about loud cries coming from the ceiling of an apartment building, they weren’t sure what — or who — to expect. AHS sent two emergency animal medical technicians, Kenzee and Julie, to check out the situation and attempt to rescue whomever was stuck in the ceiling.

ceiling kitten

The two technicians arrived on the scene and began following the cries for help. They used heat sensors to pinpoint the exact location the cries were coming from, then carefully cut a hole in the ceiling. Kenzee blindly reached up into the hole — and pulled out the smallest fuzzball who was somehow making all that noise.

“Oh my God, you’re tiny,” Kenzee said, according to AHS, as she pulled her to safety.

ceiling kitten

The ceiling invader turned out to be an incredibly tiny 2-week-old kitten, later named Nala. As she was finally freed from her predicament, she let out one last cry of relief as loudly as she could before settling into her rescuer’s arms.

Seeing as Nala was so young and small, her rescuers rushed her back to AHS’ Lazin Animal Foundation Trauma Hospital so she could get the care she needed. It was definitely lucky that she was rescued when she was, as the little kitten was underweight and dehydrated, with minor cuts on her abdomen, and suffering from an upper respiratory infection. She wouldn’t have made it much longer on her own — which is probably why she was crying out so loudly for someone to help her.

ceiling kitten

After a few days in the hospital, Nala was cleared to head to her foster home with none other than her rescuer, Kenzee. She’s been in Kenzee’s care for a few months now, and she’s finally strong enough to find her forever home.

ceiling kitten

Nala would still be in that ceiling if she hadn’t taken matters into her own paws. She cried as loudly as her tiny lungs would allow her, and pretty soon she’ll join her forever family for her happily-ever-after.

If you’re interested in adopting Nala or another kitten, you can contact Arizona Humane Society for more information.

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