Remaining in Aleppo, a Syrian man provides care for numerous abandoned cats,refuses to leave his beloved city

Aleppo, the largest city in Syria, has witnessed devastation due to war, violence, and destruction since 2012, as opposing forces vie for control. The turmoil has forced many residents to flee in pursuit of a better life, and in the haste of their departure, they found themselves with no choice but to leave their beloved pets behind.

Yet, these unfortunate pets find themselves unable to fend for themselves on the perilous streets without their owners. In response to this dire situation, a compassionate individual named Mohammad Alaa Aljalee pledged to remain in the city, committed to protecting these vulnerable animals.

Initially, Alaa took in a group of 20-30 animals, and a year later, he assumed the role of caretaker for over 170 cats and even dogs. To accommodate them all, he established a sanctuary called Il Gattaro d’Aleppo. Subsequently, desperate families, departing the country, started entrusting their pets to Alaa, hoping they would receive proper care.

Alaa recounted a poignant moment when a little girl tearfully handed him her furry friend. Her parents, faced with the decision to leave the country, couldn’t take the cat with them. Tearfully, she implored Alaa to send her photos of her beloved cat until their return, a request he faithfully fulfilled. Expressing her earnest plea, the girl asked, “Please promise to return my cat back to me when we come back,” as Alaa solemnly affirmed his commitment.

Despite the departure of all his human friends from the country, Alaa is not alone, as these cats have become his companions. Resolute, he declared, “I’ll stay with them no matter what happens.” He emphasized, “Someone who has mercy in their heart for people has mercy for every living thing.”

Alaa has earned the moniker “the cat man of Aleppo.” Beyond rescuing and nurturing hundreds of animals, he consistently aids humans in navigating the aftermath of war. Now an integral part of daily life in Aleppo, he is hailed as the city’s hero. His extraordinary efforts undoubtedly merit recognition, and many believe he deserves a medal for all that he has accomplished.

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