Surprisingly, Mr. Biden Requests a Performance from Taylor Swift.

Taylor Swift. Photo: Xinhua

US President Joe Biden wants Taylor Swift to sing for him – implying that he wants this pop superstar to support him in the 2024 US presidential election.

The New York Times reported that the Democratic Party leader’s campaign is seeking to counter polls showing him lagging behind potential Republican candidate former President Donald Trump.

Mr. Trump’s spectacular results in the initial Republican primaries and caucuses show that a rematch of the 2020 election is the most likely scenario at US ballot boxes in November. this year.

Therefore, Mr. Biden’s team plans to re-implement effective tactics in the fierce battle with Mr. Trump four years ago – the New York Times reported.

Essentially, this is said to involve portraying the former president as a threat to American democracy, along with a heavy focus on abortion rights in order to urge voters to resist restrictive efforts personal freedom.

One influential voice that the Democratic Party once again intends to exploit is Taylor Swift, the most famous pop star on the planet. The New York Times affirmed that Taylor Swift’s 280 million Instagram followers are a significant concern.

Taylor Swift publicly supported Mr. Biden and vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris in the 2020 election, saying she would “proudly vote” for the Democratic ticket because “under their leadership, I believe America has an opportunity to begin the healing process it so desperately needs.”

US President Joe Biden. Photo: Xinhua

Last year, just one social media post by Taylor Swift led to the registration of 35,000 new voters in the US. Therefore, Democrats are eager to get Swift’s support to spread this enthusiasm on a national scale. The singer’s fundraising appeal is said to be able to boost Mr. Biden’s campaign to millions of dollars.

California Governor Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, said last year: “Taylor Swift stands out and is unique. I think she can inspire young people to have a voice and should have a voice in the next election.”

Perhaps to attract Swift’s support, the White House last week condemned obscene fake AI images of the singer that have been circulating on social networks in recent days.

Fox News host Jeanine Pirro, a strong supporter of Mr. Trump, on January 29 warned Swift not to “get involved in politics.”

“We don’t want to see you there. President Joe Biden is having a hard time with young people, he knows it. And if he thinks Taylor can overcome that difficulty, he will,” Pirro said on Fox News’s “The Five”.

However, former President Donald Trump is no stranger to relying on popular culture. Previously, he claimed to have received support from the likes of rapper Kanye West and singer-songwriter Kid Rock. The latest poll data shows that Mr. Trump leads Mr. Biden from 1 to 5 percentage points in the head-to-head race.

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