Taylor Swift “stirred controversy” by appearing nude in Kanye West’s music video

Rapper Kanye West has just released a shocking MV Famous teaser with a scene of 12 celebrities naked in bed. What makes people suspicious is that the image in the clip resembles Taylor Swift. The girl lies right next to Kanye in a nude state.


The nude image of Taylor Swift is in Kanye West’s music clip

In truth, this teaser is just a doll that resembles Taylor Swift and many other famous characters. However, the Blank Space singer is still “mad” at Kanye West because he used a nude wax image.

According to Hollywood Life, Taylor is planning something. She’s trying to find a way to get back at Kanye’s shocking prank.


Taylor Swift is mad about Kanye’s shocking game

Kanye’s music video is built in a way that attracts attention to him and the image of his “super round butt” wife Kim. Many other famous stars have also been imitated like Taylor. People can easily recognize the images that resemble Ray J, Bill Cosby, Caitlyn Jenner and Donald Trump… The owner of this MV has kept silent about the authenticity of the characters. One can only imagine Taylor’s reaction when she saw an identical image of herself lying naked next to Kanye, eyes closed and naked with a bit of fabric covering her legs.

“Taylor was angry after seeing Kanye West’s video. She felt attacked,” a source told Hollywood Life reporter.

“She knew he could do unpredictable things but didn’t think Kanye would go so far. She is strategizing with her team on the next step.”

The source added: “She will respond appropriately. He will have enough with things like this.”

In addition to creating a fake wax image of Taylor naked in bed, Kanye also added fuel to the fire by challenging: “Who can sue me? I will wait and see.”


Kanye West and his wife Kim “super butt”

If Taylor sues Kanye in court for insulting others, who will win? The lawyer in California commented that the female singer has little chance of winning if she sues. Evidence that Kanye’s MV caused damage to Taylor is almost impossible to produce. People still listen to music and buy music videos of the singer Blank Space.

The relationship between Kanye and Taylor has not been very good since the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. The 39-year-old rapper stole Taylor’s microphone while the singer was giving her award acceptance speech.

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