The bond between cats and their bunny brother is so strong, they insist on being together at all times.

Beau’s owners originally acquired him when he was just 4 months old, and he acted more like a dog than a rabbit. He enjoyed following his family around the home, snuggling with them on the couch, and getting as close to them as possible. His family fell in love with his personality right away and couldn’t be happier with their new family member.

“When I first met Beau, he practically picked me to be his owner because he was so gorgeous and had such a fantastic attitude and followed me around until I adopted him,” Beau’s mother, Scarlett Darby, told The Dodo. “I’m so pleased he’s a part of our family since he’s simply so adorable and has the nicest attitude of any bunny I’ve ever met!”

Several months later, Beau’s family decided to add a cat called Ninji to the mix. Beau’s mother was first concerned about how he and the new cat would respond to one other and how they would get along — but as it turned out, she had nothing to be concerned about.

Beau and Ninji have always enjoyed hanging out and playing about the home since they met. Darby was overjoyed that they were getting along, but she had no clue how deeply they cared for each other until Ninji found Beau’s box.

Darby explained, “I had the door of Beau’s cage open while I put some food in for him, and Ninji decided to hop in.” “At first, I was concerned, but I quickly discovered that Ninji was more interested in Beau’s house than Beau!”

Beau seems unaffected by Ninji’s presence in his box, and even must like having him there. When the family got another cat, Nibbler, he began imitating his cat brother and began staying out in Beau’s box as well — and before long, the entire fuzzy group was spending time in there together, hanging out, unaware that the enclosure was really only designed for rabbits. To them, all three of them were identical.

It may appear weird to see a lot of cats hanging out in a rabbit enclosure…

… yet it’s just another day for this family.

“If he’s not happy with the cats in his area, he lets them know by thumping/kicking his legs, but most of the time he’s glad that his cat siblings are cuddling with him,” Darby explained.

The family just added a little sister, a kitten called Lola, to the pack, expanding the furry herd by one more. Lola bonded with Beau just as fast as her cat brothers did, and she now spends as much time as she can in his box and everywhere else he is.

While Beau and his cat sisters are never left alone unattended, just in case, it’s clear how much they all like and care for one another. Beau and his cat siblings aren’t all that different, in his opinion. When one sister decides to curl up on the sofa or in Beau’s box, it’s not long before they’re all heaped up together…

… having fun with each other and being the cutest fuzzy family around.

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