The Comforting Embrace: Tears of Joy and Gratitude Shower the Journey of a Disabled Puppy towards Assistance

ASKIM’s story is heart-wrenching; she lost both of her legs in pain and sorrow.


The reluctant volunteers found it difficult to contain their emotions as they read ASKIM’s story, being too young to be engaged in such heart-wrenching situations.

A compassionate individual gifted the frightened little girl a mended pair of legs. Despite this act of kindness, she had lost everything, including her first love.

ASKIM persevered, displaying a hearty appetite. Perhaps she shed many tears. Nonetheless, she remains as strong as a warrior.


After being transported to the vet, doctors meticulously cleaned and dressed the incision, dedicating considerable time to her care.


One of the volunteers fell in love with her the moment he laid eyes on her:


“I didn’t leave ASKIM alone for fear of her pain. Today, she is like another child to me, that is ASKIM.”

After two months of continuous treatment, ASKIM is now better; she can walk on two legs.



Despite losing two legs, she remains joyful and friendly to everyone. Thank God for the blessing of ASKIM.


ASKIM now, four months later. She has a fondness for puppies and consistently shows protectiveness towards them; she is also remarkably friendly and entertaining.


Thank God for blessing ASKIM and granting her the happiest life.

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