Urgent Rescue Mission: Kitten Stuck in Storm Drain Cries Out for Help!

Sometimes, kittens don’t make it easy to rescue them. Stormy the kitten was one such case.

Last week, Somerset Regional Animal Shelter got a call about a kitten stuck in a storm drain crying out for help. As soon as they got the call, the shelter’s animal control officers Jesse Ostrowski and Karen Fisch rushed over to help.

Gray kitten at the bottom of a storm drain

Ostrowski and Fisch tried everything they could to catch the kitten and remove her from the drain. But even after hours of effort, they weren’t able to grab her.

They decided to put a trap down the drain, hoping that the kitten would get caught overnight. But no such luck.

“The next morning, I went to go check my traps. She was sitting on top, just staring at me,” Ostrowski told The Dodo.

Gray kitten sitting on top of trap

Next, they put nets down the storm drain to try and trap the clever kitten. After two more hours, they managed to fish her out.

She was cold and shaking but finally safe.

“It’s really great that she was rescued in time,” Nina Bielli, volunteer with Friends of Somerset Regional Animal Shelter, told The Dodo. “I have no idea how she would have gotten out on her own.”

Now, Stormy is safe and sound at the shelter, recovering from her ordeal. As the people who work at the shelter have gotten to know her, they’ve discovered that despite the shenanigans during her rescue, she has a super affectionate personality.

“She loves to be fed, she loves her forehead rubbed, she loves her little ears rubbed. She’s the sweetest little thing,” Ostrowski said.

Gray kitten sitting on orange towel

Once Stormy gets all the TLC she needs, she’ll be available for adoption.

“She’s eating. She’s got a nice, comfy little place to sleep. She’s safe. We’re going to get her fixed up and, when she’s ready, find her a home,” Bielli said.

To support other animals like Stormy, you can donate to Somerset Regional Animal Shelter here.

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